
Pisa, Italy. The Duomo (cathedral), begun in 1064 AD in a Romanesque style that served as a model throughout Pisa and beyond. Some 500 years following the fall of the Roman Empire, this style brought a new interpretation of Classical Roman architecture.


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Pisa, Italy. The campanile (bell tower), free standing from the Duomo, and with its famous lean. Begun 1173 AD, completed in sections during the next 177 years. Romanesque features include the continuous round-arched arcades throughout the tower, and the tall blind (windowless) round arches at the base.














Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy. A Romanesque bell tower with its characteristic round arches, standing next to a later Renaissance-era church.













Viterbo, Italy. Large, arcaded round arches on the ground floor, with double-arched windows above. This was the typical architectural style of medieval towns like Viterbo before becoming moderately influenced by the “modern” Gothic style.


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