
The web pages here include images and descriptions of the dominant architectural styles found throughout the United States, Canada, and much of Europe. Some pages have more photos than others, simply due to my travel opportunities. I will highlight certain images on the blog pages, while enthused viewers will find many more photos on my Flickr Photostream, linked from appropriate posts and pages here.

My original intent was to develop these pages for a course I taught at Northern Arizona University for community planning majors. By the early 2000’s I discovered that people were using them as references. This encouraged me to occasionally update them throughout the past decade and to create this more formal web site.

Because those involved with historic preservation, geography, urban planning, and landscape studies are concerned with virtually all types and styles of buildings, I include a wide variety of photos representing numerous building types and settings. These include high style, vernacular, and folk architecture, and a combination of residential, commercial, and institutional structures.

Europe’s largest medieval public square, Krakow, Poland. Currently my “high-water mark” for travel eastward.

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